2011 Trip to Delaware.

In July we went to Rehoboth, Delaware just as so many other years with Stephanie's family. Her father Tom with his partner Gloria came, just like her sister Christien with most of her decendants. Uncle Tim and and Mary live there. We had rented a big house very close to the coast so it would be easier for both the old and the very young to get around.
The primary purpose of the trip is obviously a family reunion. So the first few pictures show various family memebers and some old friends from Grandpa who came on the 4th of July for a visit.
On the first evening Craig decided it was the right moment to surprise Sarah and propose to her. He enlisted Sarah's twins to help him.
Ofcourse one of the primary activities is hanging out on the beach.
The sand on the beach is very tempting. It seems to entice people to dig holes and build barriers or castles.
The water was not very warm, but it was still lots of fun.
And when you have enough of the swimming and building, you can just sit in on the beach and relax.
Of course the mrchants don't get rich from the tourist sitting on the beach. So they have created plenty of oportunities on the boardwalk to spend your money.
Usually we all go the week that includes the 4th of July so that we can watch the fireworks.
After the fireworks we had a special cake for Stephen to celebrate his highschool graduation.
It has always been tradition that one night is crab feast. We used to have it at Tim's place, but he got tired of the mess, so we now go out.
The crab feast was a nice end to this week long family get together. After this the Wisconsin folks went back home. We had several more weeks of Diederik's 4th Sabattical ahead and spend most of it on Long Island, Bahamas.